To have another language is to possess a second soul:

An inspirational quote from the past can sometimes be enough to spark an initial interest, or even lifestyle change, in someone. Equally inspirational language quotes could be just what you need when you hit “the wall” of language learning. It can be the frustration of making the same mistake over and over again or having […]Read More

9 Signs That You Will Always Be A Traveller Deep

If you’ve ever spent any significant amount of time abroad, you will know the feeling; maybe you’ve returned home to normal life, or perhaps you’ve become an expat or a constant traveller. Either way, there are some signals that show that you are addicted and that you will always be a traveller at heart: You […]Read More

The 8 Stages That Every Language Learner Goes Through

The process of language learning can sometimes resemble the stages of grief and despair. But battle on, soldiers! The final stages will make up for everything. The Take-Off It’s all excitement; all you can see is the novelty of the language and the culture; all you can see is yourself travelling and mingling with locals […]Read More

14 Television Moments That Were Too Real for Language Students

Life can be difficult for us language students and polyglots; maybe because we’ve just studied languages too damn hard. But sometimes, just sometimes, television series and movies just seem to really get language students. 1. When Ross’s outburst satisfied your inner grammar-nazi 2. When 30 Rock said what we’ve all been thinking all along 3. […]Read More

10 ways that studying languages ruins your life

‘Study a language’ they said, ‘it’ll be fun’ they said… The ‘mental block’ becomes your daily torture (in native and learned languages alike) Brain: Knows more than one language –> refuses to find the correct word for the language you are speaking in. You have to decide between sounding pretentious or pronouncing it wrong when you […]Read More