7 Stages of Moving Abroad

There are several stages to moving abroad

Moving abroad can be one of the most exciting and daunting prospects for any of us, the thought of making new friends and attending beach parties or experiencing a different kind of culture than back home. It sets the heart racing with the excitement! But what is equally as scary is the thought of getting a flight alone, trying to make new friends, finding a job and missing friends and family. Below are the stages of moving abroad to help with your preparation!

1. Do your research

Moving abroad is probably one of the biggest decisions you will ever make which is why you need to do your research first. You need to make sure it’s somewhere you can adjust to. Do I know/ want to learn the language spoken there, is the climate nice, are there job opportunities to work, how affordable is housing? Choose wisely… no pressure.

2. Make a decision

Research is one thing, but overthinking is another. Sometimes you just need to go for it. Any change is exciting and if you have come to the point where you want to move then chances are this is the right decision for you.

3. Start getting excited and be brave

Fortune favours the brave. Moving away from your family and friends is a stressful decision and comes with a lot of doubts, but instead of worrying, start getting excited about the new journey ahead of you!

4. Finding a new place

Booking your flat/ house ahead of time will save you a lot of stress when it comes to fitting in your new surroundings. Plan well, check out the areas in  your new destination that people usually speak positively of. Local’s advice always tends to be the best guideline!

5. Exploring the culture

This would probably be the best part of your new experience. What can this new world show/teach you about its traditions, history, art, culture, cuisine? Do a checklist of things you want to see, places you want to visit, foods you want to try. Make the most of your new home and make every minute there worthwhile.

6. Think like a local

After getting a taste of the culture of your new surroundings the next step would be to try to integrate. Try to learn the language (if you are already not speaking it). This is a good way to make new friends who can show you the ways of the city.

7. Accept this as your new home

This is the final and most important step in your journey of moving abroad. Chances are you are far away from home right now. There are times when you miss your friends, you miss your family, it takes a while for you to adapt and that’s ok! The real change, the true moment when you start enjoying your move abroad starts with you calling your new flat ‘home’.

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