18 European phrases that will make your tongue twist

Getting pronunciation right when learning a language is one of the hardest parts!

Now see how well you do with these 18 tongue twister phrases in other European languages!

P.S. The Danish and the Swedish tongue twister phrases are definitely our favourites!


Strč prst skrz krk.
Stick your finger through your throat.


Røde rødøjede rådne ørreder.
Red redeyed rotten trouts.


Zeven Zaventemse zotten zwommen zeven zonnige zondagen zonder zwarte zwembroek. Zuster Zulma zaliger zei; “Ze zijn zij zeker zot ! Ze zullen zinken!”
Seven madmen from Zaventem swam seven sunny sundays without black swimmingsuit. Late sister Zulma (a name) said; “They must be mad! They will sink!”


She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.


Kärpänen sanoi kärpäselle: tuu kattoon kattoon ku kaveri tapettiin tapettiin.
A Fly said to another fly: come to the ceiling to see as our friend was killed on the wallpaper.


Les chaussettes de l’archi-duchesse sont-elles sèches, archi-sèches ?
Are the archduchess’ socks dry, very dry?


Kluge kleine Katzen kratzen keine Krokodile.
Clever little cats don’t scratch crocodiles.


Μιὰ πάπια μὰ ποιά πάπια. (Miá pápia ma piá pápia)
A duck, but which duck?


Fekete bikapata kopog a patika pepita kövezetén.
A black bull-hoof knocks on the pharmacy’s tesselated pavement.


Ná bac le mac an bhacaigh is ní bhacfaidh mac an bhacaigh leat!
Don’t bother with the son of the beggarman and the son of the beggarman won’t bother you!


Trentatré trentini entrarono a Trento tutti e trentatré trotterellando.
Thirty-three dwellers of Trent came into Trent, all thirty-three trotting and toddling.


Šešios žąsys su šešiais žąsyčiais.
Six geese with six little geese.


Rotmistrz z Tczewa, poczmistrz z Czchowa.
Cavalry officer from Tczew, postmaster from Czchów.


O doce perguntou pro doce qual doce que era mais doce. O doce respondeu pro doce que o doce mais doce era o doce de batata doce.
The sweet asked the sweet which sweet was sweeter. The sweet answered the sweet that the sweeter sweet was the sweet potato sweet.


Rozprostovlasatila sa dcéra kráľa Nabuchodonozora, alebo nerozprostovlasatila sa dcéra kráľa Nabuchodonozora.
Did daughter of king Nebuchadnezzar make herself bareheaded, or didn’t daughter of king Nebuchadnezzar make herself bareheaded.


Iz Jež’ce čez cesto v Stož’ce po rož’ce.
From Jež’ca across the road to Stož’ce to get some flowers.


El cielo está enladrillado. ¿Quién lo desenladrillará? El desenladrillador que lo desenladrille, ¡buen desenladrillador será!
The sky is full of bricks. Who will take them out? The “unbricker” who takes them out, will be a good “unbricker”!


Far, Får får får? Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm.
Father, do sheep have sheep? No, sheep don’t have sheep, sheep have lambs?

We hope we haven’t got your tongue too much into a twist! Let us know which was the hardest in the comments below.

If you want to find out more crazy facts about European languages, you’re in the right place!
