What to wear to a summer job interview: Dos and Don’ts

Deciding what to wear to a job interview can be tricky enough as it is. First impressions count and you want to make a good one. You don’t want to look to formal, but you also don’t want to look to casual… but when it comes to summer, that’s when it gets really tricky. Deciding what to wear to a summer job interview is confusing but hopefully this article will help you figure it out.


Make sure your clothes are breathable.

This one is important. The basic of knowing what to wear during a summer job interview is being comfortable. Wearing a breathable fabric will save you from overheating and embarrassingly huge sweat patches.

Cotton, linen and jersey are the best materials for hot weather as they are breathable and dry very quickly. Avoid synthetic materials such as polyester, acrylic and nylon as these trap heat and sweat against your body.

Travel cool

Make sure you travel as cool as possible – if at all possible avoid taking the metro and bus just this once. By opting for an uber or taxi you’re likely to have air conditioning and not be squashed against sweaty people.

Wear lighter-coloured clothing

Women may have an easier time with this one as they can get away with wearing suits that are blue, pink, purple… you name it! However, although men may not be able to avoid wearing a dark suit, you can make sure shirt is light.

Wearing lighter clothes can make a huge difference in how comfortable you feel as darker clothing absorbs and retains heat a lot more than lighter clothing.


Wear anything too revealing – that’s for men too!

If you are allowed to wear shorts, they should be about knee length and the same goes for skirts. For men and women, your shirt shouldn’t be buttoned down all the way to your chest – 1 or 2 buttons is enough.

Feel afraid to ask if you are really unsure

Particularly if you are interviewing in a hot country, it’s worth asking to make sure. We’ve heard stories of people turning up to interviews in bikinis, so we’re sure they’d rather you ask than turn up half naked!

Wear sunglasses during your interview, (even if they’re on your head)

It may seem obvious to some, but we’ve heard a surprising amount of stories about people wearing sunglasses to their interview. Wearing sunglasses will not only look rude, but unprofessional and gives the impression you’re not taking the interview seriously.

Good eye contact is also a really important part of a good interview. It conveys confidence and self-esteem which are important characteristics to an employer.

To put it simply, you should look like you’ve come to your job interview prepared, not as though you’re stopping by for a chat. Wearing a pair of sunglasses – whether on your head or your face – sends the wrong message to your potential employer.

We hope these tips will help you feel more comfortable in your job interviews this summer. Let us know the funniest thing you’ve seen someone wear in the comments below!
