April Fool’s 10 Fun Facts

How much do you know about April Fool’s Day? Here are 10 fun facts to share with your friends after pranking them!

When is April Fool’s Day celebrated?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the day called in France?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the Finnish April Fool’s saying “Aprillia, syö silliä, juo kuravettä päälle” mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What prank did Burger King commit in 2018?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the Scottish word for “fool”?

Correct! Wrong!

Until what time does April Fool’s Day last in most countries?

Correct! Wrong!

What unlikeable entity participates by pranking people?

Correct! Wrong!

What countries refer to April Fool’s Day as ‘April Fish’?

Correct! Wrong!

Is April Fool’s Day considered a holiday?

Correct! Wrong!

Where did April Fool’s originated?

Correct! Wrong!

We hope you enjoyed learning more about April Fool’s Day and some of its fun facts. What is the worst prank you have pulled?

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