To have another language is to possess a second soul: 15 inspirational language quotes

An inspirational quote from the past can sometimes be enough to spark an initial interest, or even lifestyle change, in someone.

Equally inspirational language quotes could be just what you need when you hit “the wall” of language learning. It can be the frustration of making the same mistake over and over again or having a conversation with someone in your target language and not understanding a thing. Sometimes people doubt if they’re learning the right language? Or it can simply be a particularly busy period in your life where you neglect your language learning and you suddenly feel like you’re back to square one.

This is a particularly big issue in the modern world where endless resources are available online and so many people learn in their own time on the internet.

Whatever the reason, learning a language is a marathon and when you have one of these moments (and I promise you will) you need to realise that the wall that appears to be in your way is only in your mind… That can be quote number 16.

15 Inspirational Language Quotes:

Feeling inspired by those inspirational language quotes ? We certainly hope so because we see on a daily basis how important languages are in everyday life. Language is one of the most impressive and enriching things you can gain and, put into a modern day context, every language you learn improves your employability.

Why not find out where your language is most in demand?

Europe Language Café: