Can you spot the fake English word?

The English language can be interesting to learn… some of the words appear far too similar, and others completely made up. This isn’t always so far from the truth, as writers from Shakespeare to Roald Dahl have contributed their fair share of words to the English dictionary. This can add some confusion to the language learning process. Do you think you’ve mastered the English language? Can you identify the real English from the codswallop? Take this quiz to find out! Half of these words are real English words… the other we’ve taken from a Reddit thread.

I can’t believe you tattled on me!

Correct! Wrong!

It's real! The definition is to "gossip idly." A common use of this word is in the phrase 'tattletale'; a person, especially a child, who reveals secrets or informs on others; a telltale.

She embiggened the shirt so that it would fit.

Correct! Wrong!

What’s all the kerfuffle about?

Correct! Wrong!

It's real! It's defined as "a commotion or fuss, especially one caused by conflicting views.

You don't believe in ghosts and all that malarkey, do you?

Correct! Wrong!

It's real! It's defined as "meaningless talk; nonsense."

The ligma of the evening really brought me down.

Correct! Wrong!

Walking through the mud makes splangey noises.

Correct! Wrong!

She was acting a bit patronichal, wasn’t she?

Correct! Wrong!

That cake was absolutely scrumptious.

Correct! Wrong!

The definition is; (of food) extremely tasty; delicious.

He went about the task with a thorourogh attitude.

Correct! Wrong!

We made this one up! It's just a mix of the confusing though/through/thorough

He completely bamboozled her in that game.

Correct! Wrong!

The definition is; to cheat or fool.

Can you spot the fake English words?
Not the best, not the worst

Nice job!

That left you pretty bamboozled

How did you find it? Were you aware of all these weird English words? If you think some of these words seem weird, try pronouncing them!
